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The Community-Scale Permaculture Farm: The D Acres Model for Creating and Managing an Ecologically Designed Educational Centerby Josh Trought2015, 416pp.With practical examples of alternative building, renewable energy, holistic forestry, no-till gardening, hospitality management, community outreach, and more.For almost twenty years, D Acres of New Hampshire has challenged and expanded the common definition of a farm. As an educational center that researches, applies, and teaches skills of sustainable living and small-scale organic farming, D Acres serves more than just a single function to its community. By turns it is a hostel for travelers to northern New England, a training center for everything from metal- and woodworking to cob building and seasonal cooking, a gathering place for music, poetry, joke-telling, and potluck meals, and much more.

The Community-Scale Permaculture Farm

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