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Using Pattern and Energy to Design the Front Doorstep - Sabrena Schweyer 

Fluid Zone One Gardens - Chris Smith 

Welcome to Light’s Footprint - Peter Light 

Thresholds in Time and Space - Ann Kreilkamp 

Threshold Workers and Cell Communication - Nori Treacy 

Design Your Root Cellar - Marlene Burr 

Companion Planting Myths and Realities - Robert Kourik 

People of the Beautiful Valley: Community Planning - Megan Fehrman and Tom (Hazel) Ward 

Principles of a Pluralist Commonwealth - Gar Alperovitz 

Deconstructing Oppression: The Elephant at the Front Door - Jennifer English Morgan 

Journey Past Permaculture’s Doorstep - Annaliese Hordern and Delvin Solkinson 

Keeping it Real - Laura Killingbeck 

Permaganic Authenticated - Braden Trauth 

Remembering Chuck Marsh - Peter Bane

#106 November/Winter 2017 - The Doorstep



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