Diseño Holístico Y Agricultura Regenerativa
Estamos en Guanajuato, México
Directorio: https://www.permacultura.org.mx/es/directorio/
TIERRAMOR is a family initiative whose headquarters is a small organic farm with fruit trees, vegetables and medicinal plants, on the shores of Lake Pátzcuaro.
Granja Tamu Tariaticha, Apdo. 15, Arocutin, Municipio de Erongaricuaro / Michoacán; C.P. 61630
Holger Hieronimi y Marina Ortiz
A Permaculture farm and sustainable-living center located in Tlacochahuaya, within the central valleys of Oaxaca, Mexico. The site was designed based on the principles of permaculture and one of our primary goals is to experiment and promote sustainable living alternatives. Our farm and learning center is located 20 kilometers (about 12.4 miles) to the east of Oaxaca city en the outskirts of Tlacochahuaya.
Pablo Ruiz Lavalle
cel 951 151 6769
Adriana Guzmán
cel 951 128 4939
Gerardo González Garibay
Diseño de ranchos y casas ecológicas y/o agroecosistemas regenerativos productivos, incluyen:
-Diseño regenerativo en base a Escala de Permanencia, Permacultura y otras disciplinas holísticas.
-Diseño hidrológico con KeyLine® "cosecha de agua en terreno".
-Diseño de sistemas agroforestales.
-Diseño de sistemas de captación pluvial.
-Asesorías in situ y/u online.
-Análisis en software SIG, 3D y Drone.
-Programación de Aplicaciones Web (AppWeb) a sistemas productivos y/o SIG.
Somos especialistas en biotecnología.
Entendiendo las necesidades y la importancia de las acciones que llevemos a cabo, ofrecemos productos que son utilizados en hogares, comercios, industrias o instituciones para cumplir con nuestro objetivo de limpiar el futuro hoy.
CDMX, Azcapotzalco, 02800 México
(55) 5019-8320 contacto@eco-agua.com.mx
Arboceta Mexicana - Árboles Nativos
para Reforestación Urbana
Disponibilidad de planta silvestre para proyectos urbanos con el propósito de naturalizar distintos espacios verdes, que a su vez mantengan los serivicios ecosistémicos relacionados con la economia y la sociedad, tales como: proveer (agua, oxígeno, alimento, energía, sombras), regular (impacto climático, purificación del agua y contaminantes del aire, mantener polinizadores, disminuir enfermedades) y brindar bienestar social (recreación, turismo, apropiación e identidad de los espacios, educación, inspiración, ética, entre otros).
Comonfort, Guanajuato, México
Asociación Mexicana de Arboricultura A.C.
Impulsar la ciencia de la arboricultura, así como su práctica profesional y sensibilizar acerca del valor y los beneficios de los árboles y bosques urbanos para una mejor calidad de vida en un medio ambiente sano.
Paseo de las Alondras 271, San Isidro León, Guanajuato, C.P. 37000
N.W. Mexican PC Institute
Jose & Alejandro Hotel American Colonial, Guaymas , Sonora, Mexico
Pc de Mexico/Mexico City
Blanca Domingues Apdo Postal #21, 140 Mexico City, 04000 D, Mexico
Tamu Tariaticha (community)
Permacultura en México Apdo # 391, Patzcuaro, Michoacan, CP. 61600 México
fax (52) 01 (434) 24743
Biocenosis AC
Levania y Mauricio Causabon
Tel 726 61497 Fax 726 20336
Aztlan Centro de Rescate Ecologico AC
Apdo 1248 Queretaro Qro. CP 76000
Tel 42 122262
Edo. de Campeche C, Alejandra Acosta
Bus Tel 982 20164
Laura Kuri (in Cuernavaca, state of Morelos)
44 Circuito Conquistadores Col. Alvero Lionel Jautepec
Tel 73 62730
Los Palomitas (in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco)
C/0 Eric Saracho
New Moon Foundation
Great people and well worth a visit, but contact them first!!!! Valerie Nadeau
Apdo 1296, Oaxaca, OAX 68000, Mexico
Ph/Fax: int+ (52) 951 7 5755
Judith Katz Domocilio Conocido
We are starting a small pc demonstration site in the northern sierra and would welcome volunteers. We offer opportunities to speak or learn spanish, practice pc design and do cultural exchange.
San Juan Bautista Jayacatlan
Etla, Oaxaca CP 68210 MEXICO
The Sexto Sol Center for Community Action
Escuela de Agro-Ecologia “Tierra Linda” We teach permaculture, bio-intensive, organic agricutlure to subsistence farmers in the Sierra Madre of Chiapas & do sustainable coffee work & reforestation, solar ovens and more. We would like experienced teachers to come stay on the farm to help. Need ideas for creating an alternative energy demonstration on site. Volunteers welcome. Like-minded travlers who contact us first can stay in exchange for work.
Barrio Ecologico Tierra Linda, 1a Poniente #200B Motozintla,
Chiapas CP 30900 Mexico
fax: 52-9-641-0088
Latin America
Want your permaculture organization or business listed in this directory? Contact us.
Please include a physical address, contact data, blurb, and URL. Thanks.
Natural resources have been the foundation of economic development in The Bahamas for hundreds of years. In the 19th and early 20th century, agriculture prospered, especially on islands such as Eleuthera, because of a favorable climate and red lateritic soils that allowed large-scale production of crops such as pineapple, vegetables, and grains. In fact, the island of Eleuthera was a major supplier of pineapple to the United States until Hawaii became a U.S. territory in 1900. Unfortunately, changes in market demand, in combination with intensive growing practices reducing the land’s ability to sustain agriculture at a commercial scale, eventually relegated agriculture to small-scale operations that only support local demands and subsistence living. These trends in production have resulted in a large percentage of the food available in The Bahamas being imported from other countries, which has increased food prices and influenced diets. Moreover, even small-scale agriculture is dependent upon chemical fertilizers and pesticides that are costly and have significant environmental and human health risks.
Grupo Para el Desarollo Integral de La Habana
Elio Guevara & Mario Coyula Calle 28 #113, e/ 1ra. y 3ra, Miramar, Cuidad de La Habana, Cuba
Ph/Fax: int+ (537) 33 2661
The Green Team, Permacultura de Australia
Luis Sanchez Santa Fe Community, Havana, Cuba
Ph/Fax: int+ (53) 7 33 1788
International Seed Saving Institute
We are a diverse group of individuals from many walks of life who work together toward economic justice, democracy and alternative sustainable development in Haiti.The Lambi Fund of Haiti is a 501(c)(3), tax exempt not for profit organization. The Lambi Fund’s mission is to assist the popular, democratic movement in Haiti. Its goal is to help strengthen civil society as a necessary foundation of democracy and development. The fund channels financial and other resources to community-based organizations that promote the social and economic empowerment of the Haitian people. The Lambi Fund supports projects that embrace the following principles: non-violent, non-partisan, community-based, promoting the advancement of women, using education and training for empowerment, and promoting the overall democratic movement.
Puerto Rico
Zorayma Z. Navarro – Permaculture Design & Consultancy Services
Address: RR-4 BOX 27520 Toa Alta, Puerto Rico 00953,
Tel: (787) 614-5797
or (787)484-0163
Email: cefpr@yahoo.com
and baraka.permaculture@gmail.com
Trinidad / Tobago
Corner La Cuesa Road & Freeport, Todds Road, Freeport, Trinidad and Tobago
Phone: (868) 673-4180 Fax: (868) 673-4180 Cell: +1 (868) 789 2167
Erle Rahaman-Noronha:
Director : Caribbean Permaculture Research Institute: www.cpribarbados.com
Director : Wa Samaki Ecosystems: www.wasamakipermaculture.org
Director : Walkers Institute for Regenerative Research, Education and Design: www.walkersreserve.com
Director : Caribbean Permaculture Consultants Ltd E: wasamakiecosystems@gmail.com
Web : www.wasamakipermaculture.org
Central America
Tucked into the foothills of the Maya Mountains, two miles up river from the village of San Pedro Columbia in southern Belize, Maya Mountain Research Farm is a registered non-governmental organization and working demonstration farm that promotes sustainable agriculture, appropriate technology and food security using permacultural principles and applied biodiversity. With over 20 years of work, Maya Mountain Research Farm is one of the oldest ongoing permaculture projects in Central America. We cultivate hundreds of species at MMRF in our established agro-forestry system, a lush, productive tropical food forest. We are building and fine-tuning an agro-ecological system that conserves natural resources, and supports the surrounding ecosystem in providing valuable ecological services such as carbon sequestration, soil and water retention, and the creation of wildlife habitat. San Pedro Columbia, Toledo,
PO 153 Punta Gorda Town,
Toledo, BELIZE
Central America
Costa Rica
Punta Mona (Monkey Point) – Our Center for Sustainable Living & Education
Punta Mona is a 30-acre organic farm and educational retreat center dedicated to bringing about environmental consciousness by creating an example of sustainable living through permaculture design methods including eco-technology, organic farming, and a sense of community. Surrounded by primary rainforest and fronted by the pristine, coconut fringed Caribbean Sea, Punta Mona is an ideal retreat for student travelers and groups wishing to connect to the land, its resources, and its people.
Costa Rica International Center for Sustainability
Scott Steedley steedleynaturescaping@msm.com Rod Rylander rarylander@yahoo.com
An awareness of global issues drives El Centro Verde to seek techniques and solutions for “the problems of tomorrow’s world.” Innovation is based on observation, respect for local knowledge and feedback, and a constant process of trial, error and synthesis. Sustainable solutions developed or under ongoing research at El Centro Verde: Multi-tier agroforestry, Chinampas ancient growing bed system, Perennial/annual crop research, Constructed wetlands, Composting in the wet/dry tropics, Vetiver Plus Bamboo For Lightweight/Grown-On-Site Roofing System, Natural Materials For Seed Pretreatment Of Corn Beans Squash, Vetiver Rolls And Palm Leaf Rolls For Erosion Control, Pre-Vegetated Erosion Control Rolls Planted Out When It Rains, Native Wetlands Plants For Constructed Wetlands And Infiltration Basins, Bamboo And Native Stake-Sprouting Trees For Streambank Retention, Native Fish For Mosquito Control, “Living Gabions” of bamboo – gabions are baskets or cages that hold material used to build a support or abutment.
Tom Peifer
Paraiso, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
For those of you interested in eco-tourism or eco-agriculture, we now offer tours and budget lodging at Mighty Rivers Eco-farm. We offer simple, affordable accomodations including bed and breakfast along with a first hand view of our nature friendly, sustainable farming operation amid jungle, rivers and wildlife in this tropical Caribbean setting of Limon Province, Costa Rica.
Nathan Lapp
.011 506 386-8833
Phone in USA…001 540 801-064
Permaculture information, courses and education in Costa Rica.
P.O.Box 419-1250, Escazu, Costa Rica,
Tel: (506) 8398 2364 redpermanezcacr@gmail.com
– Eco Village and Organic Farm Geoffrey McCabe CEO & Co-Owner Delicias/Montezuma, Costa Rica +506 8844-4726
Since 2006, we have been working to repair destroyed cattle land into a food forest in one of the most deforested areas of Costa Rica. We experiment with ideas and practices that serve our land base and communities while withdrawing legitimacy from the unsustainable structures and habits of our cultures. We aim to transform today’s convergence of global crises into opportunities to unite, educate, and co-create a more conscious, just, and abundant way of life for ourselves and generations to come.
Our vision is the end of destructive corporate dominance. We envision diverse, empowered, conscious communities sharing the abundance of a healthy and balanced planet in our lifetime.
VerdEnergia is doing its part to make this vision a reality by working towards these goals:
To reforest damaged land into a food and energy forest, thus establishing a suitable, healthy, and biodiverse habitat for humans, animals and plants.
To protect the land and watershed from foreign and/or short-sighted interests.
To create a duplicable model for responsible land and watershed management for diverse human cultures.
To establish and sustain a free school to foster environmental awareness and revolution around the world.
To create an opportunity for like-minded individuals and groups to divest from unconscious, destructive systems and reinvest in conscious systems that empower communities, value and protect ecosystems, and create a shared abundance on our planet.
To provide opportunities for local micro-enterprises and cooperative land ownership with local partners.
To co-create and participate in the growing net of sustainable communities in Costa Rica and around the world.
El Salvador
Carlos Canos & Silva Flores Apdo 3065,Calle PTE 316, San Salvador, El Salvador
Ph: int+ (503) 225 6746
Fax: int+ (503) 226 6903
Atitlan Organics
Atitlan Organics is located in the small Mayan village of Tzununa, which is located on the north shore of Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. Founded in 2010, we have focused on building and maintaining a fully-functioning, profitable, organic, permaculture farm. Today, our farm is host to an enormous amount of diversity, including dairy goats, pigs, chickens, vegetables, coffee, bees, and well over 200 useful plant species. Over the past few years, the farm has also begun to host various human activities. We now offer Permaculture Courses almost every month, as well as Natural Building Courses and Permaculture Design Certification.
+(502) 4681 4697 info@atitlanorganics.com
Fundacion Augusto C Sandino (FACS)
Apdo. 2458, Managua 5, Nicaragua
Ph: int+ (505) 2 74773 & 505 2 75706
Fax: int+(505) 2 675670
South America
Argentine Permaculture Institute
http://www.gaia.org.ar/english/iinstituto.htm The Argentine Permaculture
Institute(IAP) was created by GAIA Association (a non-profit civil organization).
The IAP works together with grassroot organizations and public or private
institutions that are committed to the design of sustainable human settlements
in any biophisic, social, ecological or cultural context, and to preserve, restore
and understand natural ecosystems, integrating traditional and modern disciplines,
knowledge and technologies.
Associacion Gaia
Ramirez and Silvia Balado
Almafuerte 1732
San Martin
Buenos Aires 1650
54+14-752-2197, 54+2-272-4-920072
Pc Allyu Verde
Klaus Lotz, Lot 2, Casilla, Cochabamba, 5279, Bolivia
Ph: int+ (591) 0411 2605
The latin American Permaculture Institute
A grassroots non governmental organization working for the implementation of ecologically well designed ecosystems and ecovillage building in Latin America.
Enrique Hidalgo
P.O.Box 3727
Correo Central
Marquina, Cochabamba, Bolivia
Tel: 01968759 or 04-264693
Email: ecovillas@hotmail.com
Instituto de Permacultura Cerrado-Pantanal
Main activities courses in permaculture, reforrrestry programs, seed collecting, local development (in indigenous and rural reform settlements), local economic systems and construction of demonstration site/school. Ecosystems in which we work, Cerrado (tropical savanna) and Amazonia (wet tropics).
Rua Horto da Olivieras 738, Bairro Granja
São Luis, Campo Grande, CEP 79074-070, Mato Grosso
do Sul, Brasil
Tel 67 385 0546
André Miccolis
Brother of the founder of “Fazenda Lua”, the first Permaculture project in Brazil, and himself founder of “Instituto Salvia”. They are implanting a demonstration project near Brasilia. +55 (061) 912 -1563
EQS 104/304 cx. Postal 002214
Brasilia, Brazil,
DS 70349 – 970
Débora Geane
Instituto de Permacultura em Terras Secas (Drylands)
tel /fax c/o Garra +55 74 641 2570
Cx. Postal 73, Irecê, Brazil
Carlos Miller
Av. Torquato Tapajos 5408 Sala B, Flores Manaus 69048 – 000, Brazil
+55 71 692 4011
Moacir Bionda
(Moacir is a widely-recognized specialist on Amazonian medicinal herbs) Amazonas Contact for Ali Sharif of the Instituto de Permacultura de Amazonas
tel/fax + 926 54-4699
Claudio Sanchotene Trinidade
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul ( extreme south, sub-tropic /temperate) Claudio is especially interested in eco-villages and cooperativism, and is presently working with associations of farmers which occupy the edges of natural reserves, to create “green belts ” which preserve the natural areas.
Demetrio Ribeiro, 961/72
Centro Porto Alegre, RS
tel + 55 51 226 1436 fax +55 51 221 4082
Instituto Capixaba de Permacultura
Fazenda dos Lagos II, Ch. 43 Alfredo Chaves. Espírito Santo, Brazil 29.240-000
Adriana Junqueira Fonseca
Part of a group of young farmers, all agronomists graduates from Rio de Janeiro, who meet regularly to implant Permaculture systems ( region of sugarcane monoculture)
Faz. Helena
Cx Postal 51, Guaracai
SP. 16950 – 000
tel +55 18 775 – 1268
André Soares
Permaculture teacher in Projeto Novas Fronteiras de Cooperativismo Ministério de Agricultura Brasilia Has given many courses around Brazil, contact in the federal government. He and colleagues are trying to bring Permaculture into the federal agrotechnical schools, apparently ( hopefully!) with success.
Fadenza Lua (Moon Farm)
S.Q.S. 108, Bloco H, Apto. 305, Brasilia, D.F. 70347-080, Brasil
Ph/fax: int + 55 61 244 2218
Instituto Gaucho de Permacultura
Sitio Pe na Terra, Lomba Grande, Novo Hamburgo, Pe RS, 93 490 000, Brazil
Ph/Fax: int+ (55) 51 596 11 14
Pc Institute of Brasilia
Maria Indindoli, Fazenda Lua (Moon Farm) S.Q.S. 108, Bloco H, Apto. 305, Brasilia, D.F. 70347 – 080, Brazil contactPh/Fax: int + (55) 61 244 2218
Instituto de Permacultura da Bahia, Brazil
Marsha Hanzi, Our speciality has become the training of young professionals in the areas of agriculture, biology, architechture, and education. We are particularly interested in training “multipliers” ( changing paradigms,preparing teachers etc.) and have begun an apprentice program
Rua dos Colibris, 557, sl 108
Imbui, Salvador, BA, CEP 41729-060
71-3232-4025 Fax 71-3461-7726
Instituto de Permacultura e Ecovilas da Pampa (IPEP)
Estrada Higienópolis, 17 – Zona Rural, Bagé/RS – CEP 96410-490,
fone: (53) 241-0665 (53) 9977-1220
Instituto Chileno de Permacultura
The ICdP, true to the authentic definition of a permaculture institute, is a broad national permaculture organization, a learning community designed on chaordic principles. The institute is based on a national collective of autonomous bioregional networks organizing for transition. Our organization is driven by a core group of Permaculture Design Certificate holders and a Diploma Worknet founded on the basis of Action Learning.
A learning community, self-organising for resilience, practicing sustainable living in the Biobío region of Chile. Part of a local community organising ourselves for resilience, part of a family taking responsibility, a household trying to meet its own needs from as close to home as possible through economy that regenerates.
Grifen Hope
Centro para la Investigacion en Sistemas Sostenibles de Produccion Agropecuaria, Carrera 2 Oeste # 11-54, Cali, Colombia
Ph: +57(2) 8930931 – 8930898 – 8935492
Fax: +57(2) 8935535
Bosque de Paz / Parque Bambú – Ecuador
Ecological Restoration Producing Giant Bamboo species, Palms and Vetiver grass in El Limonal, Western Slopes of the Andes Piet Sabbe, I offer apprenticeship in Permaculture km 108,5 on the road from San Lorenzo to Ibarra
Ph: int + (593) 6 3016606
The Paititi Institute for the Preservation of Ecology and Indigenous Culture is a nonprofit organization devoted to the integration of indigenous wisdom into every day life.