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Great Rivers and Lakes Permaculture Institute
Strengthening Permaculture Practice through Education, Research, and Mutual Aid
in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Kentucky
is a Holistic Equestrian Center Dedicated to Equine and Human Life Enhancement. Pine Knoll Farm is an educational boarding, teaching and rehabilitation facility and the home of The Four Harmony Foundation registered 501(c)(3) not for profit foundation. Our goal is to support state-of-the-art equine facilities and the development of a broad range of educational and experiential programs.
Four Harmony Foundation’s mission is: To offer learning opportunities which meet student's life needs; To provide a caring environment which supports learning and development;
To contribute to the health and unity of humans and horses;
To value our environment and bring us closer to nature.
“A single moment of understanding can flood a whole life with meaning.”
Pine Knoll Farm, Inc.
P.O. Box 75 Bryantsville, KY 40410
tel: 859 548 4162 fax: 859 548 2628
The Four Harmony Foundation
9863 Lexington Road, Lancaster, KY 40444
Salamander Springs Farm/ Susana’s Organics
Salamander Springs Farm was founded in 1999 on 98 acres of hardwood Appalachian forest south of Berea, Kentucky. It is a rural community committed to local sustainability and ecologically sound, cooperative living. Approximately 6 open acres comprise fields, orchard, gardens and pastures, which are being developed for this enterprise based on permaculture principles.
We are not able at this time to accommodate paid internships at Salamander Springs Farm, but welcome work-exchanges for food & rustic accommodations on the farm, such as WWOOF (Willing Workers On Organic Farms) and college service learning programs. Farm conditions are rustic (camping, no electric, outdoor shower and compost toilet).
Salamander Springs Farm
P.O. Box 354, Berea, KY 40403
Susana Lein 859-893-3360
Geomancer Permaculture LLC
Email: geomancerpermaculture@gmail.com
Lexington, KY
Geomancer promotes the theory, design, and implementation of permaculture landscaping and infrastructure with a focus on urban ecology, agroforestry, and watershed restoration. https://www.instagram.com/geomancerpermaculture
Kentucky State University
is the lead institution for aquaculture in Kentucky, and one of the premier programs in the nation. Involvement of on-site students in relevant, real-world research is emphasized. Outreach through video and Web-based courses are available.