Grow Do It – Formidable Vegetable Sound System
Formidable Vegetable Sound System is on a mission to save the world with a ukulele, some fresh beets and their favorite recipes for sustainability.
Their new album Grow Do It is for funky kids who want to learn how to be eco-superheroes and keep themselves healthy and positive in their daily life.
Permaculture: A Rhymer’s Manual
The Formidable Vegetable Sound System brings a practical wake-up call to action covering the 12 permaculture principles on a ukulele put to various radish beets. Each track is featured on this website to compliment the principle examples.
Check out the remixed and revegetated version Radish Beets, above.
Radish Beets – Remixed and Revegetated
A next-level experiment in ecological electroswing, Radish Beets features remixes of tracks from Formidable Vegetable Sound System’s debut album, Permaculture: A Rhymer’s Manual by some of the world’s finest electronic producers, below.
The Global Gardener with Bill Mollison
120 minutes, 1991
In 4 half-hour segments, Bill travels the globe viewing Permaculture application in the tropics, arid deserts, cool temperate climates, and cities. Acclaimed by millions!
Excellent for introducing Permaculture to the media-opiated masses.
Buy a copy for yourself and another for your local public library.
The Synergistic Garden
30 minutes, DVD or VHS, 1995
French Permaculture Teacher Emilia Hazelip shows in detail her method of organic no-till gardening without fertilizers. Carefully explains the basis of true soil health. Available in English, French, or Spanish, VHS or DVD.
In Grave Danger of Falling Food with Bill Mollison
56 minutes, 1989. VHS and DVD
Cartoon cutaways and bizarre sound effects seem no stranger than Bill loping through Aussie suburban sleaze, guerrilla planting hazelnuts. A campy period piece, this film tells the permaculture story with verve and imagination.
Sepp Holzer’s Permaculture
90 minutes, 2000
This new DVD combines Holzer’s three previous videos Farming With Nature, Aquaculture, and Terraces and Raised Beds into one 90 minute DVD.
Austrian farmers Sepp and Veronika Holzer show how they have turned 110 acres of steep alpine slopes into a Garden of Eden with cherries, figs, and lemons at 3000 feet! A convincing demonstration of permaculture, beautifully filmed with English narration. A well-realized 40 year old system.
The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil
53 minutes
DVD or VHS, 2006
The need to bring agriculture into Havana began with the fall of the Soviet Union and the loss of more than 50 percent of Cuba’s oil imports, much of its food and 85 percent of its trade economy. Transportation halted, people went hungry and the average Cuban lost 30 pounds.
Due to the continuing US embargo, but also because of the loss of a foreign market, Cuba couldn’t obtain enough imported food. Furthermore, without a substitute for fossil-fuel based large-scale farming, agricultural production dropped drastically.
So, Cubans started to grow local organic produce out of necessity, developed bio-pesticides and bio-fertilizers as petrochemical substitutes, and incorporated more fruits and vegetables into their diets. Since they couldn’t fuel their aging cars, they walked, biked, rode buses, and carpooled.
The goals of this film are to give hope to the developed world as it wakes up to the consequences of being hooked on oil, and to lift American’s prejudice of Cuba by showing the Cuban people as they are. The filmmakers do this by having the people tell their story on film. It’s a story of their dedication to independence and triumph over adversity, and a story of cooperation and hope.
The Forager’s Harvest DVD featuring Samuel Thayer
(Read Review – PDF)
49 minutes, 2011
The Forager’s Harvest DVD Set includes two discs covering all the plants discussed in my first book. The footage was shot by Brian Pierce over the course of three years as he accompanied me on foraging adventures. Through hundreds of hours of editing, organizing, re-shooting, and planning in order to optimize the usefulness of the video to viewers, Brian created excellent DVDs that are both informative and fun. The entire production is narrated by me (Samuel Thayer) and provides ample ammunition for those who wish to make fun of my mannerisms, hairstyle, and especially, my attire choices. It also contains real-life footage of gathering and eating from the wild. In it, we interrupt normal foraging antics to cover the bases regarding each plant: identification, where to find it, what stage to harvest it in, what parts to collect, how to get them, and how to use them.
Get Thayer’s two excellent books on Edible Wild Foods here.