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Permaculture Activist / Permaculture Design
Digital Archive Collection
Back Issues #1 to #118, 1985 to 2020
Copyright Permaculture Design Publishing 2020
If you’d like the whole collection on a USB drive, it’s available for $100.
Be aware that several of the earliest issues have survived only as photocopies, and issues up to #71 were laid out in Adobe PageMaker, and had to be scanned as well. All of these were printed on newsprint, which yellows with age, the point being that getting quality scans was nearly impossible. Some scans aren’t pretty, but all text is searchable. Issues #72 and onward were laid out in InDesign, and .pdf quality is excellent.
#54, Fire and Catastrophe
Winter 2004, $6
Designing Beyond Disaster by Toby Hemenway
Honoring Prometheus's Gift by Don Tipping
Fire Hazard Assessment in the Wildland / Urban Interface by National Fire Protection Agency
Fire on the Mount by the ReGenesis Group;
Catastrophe as Opportunity by Richard Zook
Shelter when You Really Need It by Dwight Sands
Going with the Flow by Bruce Blair
And the Creeks Did Rise by Peter Bane
The Oakland - Berkeley Hllls Fire by Paul Teague
One Gardener's View of a Disrupted Climate by Becky Elder
Concepts for a New World Order by Michael Kramer
Community Food Security by Bob Ewing and Heather Kerr
Street Orchards for Community Security by Brad Lancaster
The Rise of Globalization by Shirley-Anne Hardy
Another Look at Invasion Biology by David Holmgren
#53, Education: Learning to Change the World
Fall 2004, $8
Life-Long Learning by William Ellis
The Albany Free School by Stacy Pettigrew and Scott Kellogg
Edge-ucation by Michael Kramer
Points to Remember in Permaculture Facilitation by Max Lindegger
Thinking Outside the Permaculture Education Box by Will Hooker and Alison Cerulli
Living and Learning on the Road by Subcoyote Alberto Ruz Buenfil
Indigenous Education and Ecology by Deanna Moore
The Case Study: A Teaching Tool for Regenerative Learning by Christopher Peck
The Evolution of a Learning Center by Weston Miller
Teaching Permaculture in a School Garden by Charles Headington
The Garden Dances by Megan McGee Ingram
Teaching About Soil by Walter Moore
Toward an Ecology of Learning by Gail Dennison
Permaculture Curriculum Design: An Ecovillage Perspective by Max Lindegger
Ecocentric Pedagogy: A Matter of Design by Deanna Moore
Learn Some, Teach Some by Judy Hobbs
The Ecoversity by Staci Matlock
#52, Aquaculture
Summer 2004, $6
Ecological Aquaculture at Ocean Arks by John Todd
Designing Ponds for Life by Max Lindegger
Toward a North American Polyculture by Bill McLarney
Small-scale Fish Culture Systems by Steven Van Gorder
Investing in a Freshwater Resource by Laurence Hutchinson
Polycultural Ponds, Hawaiian Style by John Schinnerer
Fish for Health by Peter Bane
Aquaculture in a Small Space by Oliver Lang
Treating Greywater Ecologically by Darrell Frey
Making Room for Nature by Don Tipping
Teaching Them to Fish by Rod & Kim Rylander
The Subtle Energies of Flowing Water by Lee Barnes
In Memoriam: Simon Henderson by Larry Santoyo
"Uncle Ho is Watching You" by Simon Henderson
#51, Traditional Knowledge and Regeneration
Winter 2003, $6
Contemplating Megadeaths by Albert Bates
The Context Can Bring Us Home by Renee Wade
Wildness and Wilderness by Paul Shepard
Connecting to Place by Hubb Knott
Beyond Wilderness: See the Garden In the Jungle by Toby Hemenway
The Nasca Lines: Geoglyphs Reveal an Ancient Water Map by David Johnson
Waru Waru: A New Life for Traditional Farming in Peru
Traditional Seed Breeding by Eric Humel;
Seed SavingConsciousness is Key by Woody Wodraska
Creating Village Orchards by Sasha Earnheart-Gold
BioSculpture by Phil Forsyth
Encounters with the Bear by Alice Kidd
Fermented Stimulants and the Rise of Globalization by Sandor Ellix Katz
Northern Delights: Inuit Medicine Helps Preserve Culture by Neil S. Lewis
The Helions: celebrating Earth's Orbital Progression by Rael Bassan
#50, Ecosystems
May 2003, $6
Permaculture & the 3rd Wave of Environmental Solutions by David Holmgren
Emilia Hazelip: A Retrospective by Souscayrous
Synergistic Agriculture & Permaculture by Emilia Hazelip
Synergistic Agriculture at Solaria by Emilia Hazelip
Keystones & Cops by Peter Bane (the chestnut/passenger pigeon connection)
Brushland & Oak Savanna by Mark Shepard
Root Crop Polycultures by Eric Toensmeir
The Fungal Ecosystem by Paul Stamets
Human in Wild Ecosystems by Max Lindegger & Lloyd Williams
Grazing for Healthy Farms by Mark Ludwig
Alders Aren't A Weed Tree Anymore by Rick Valley
An Odyssey of Discovery by Roland Bunch
Managing the Indoor Ecosystem by Darrell Frey
#49 Where Is Permaculture?
Winter 2002, $6
Where Stands Permaculture by Shirley-Anne Hardy
Thriving Pennsylvania Site by Darrell Frey
Sonoma County Measures Its Ecological Footprint by Ann Hancock
The Designer Becomes the Recliner by Christopher Adams
Permaculture With a Mechanical Twist by Weston Miller
A Gardener Grows in Brooklyn by Philip D. Forsyth
Pilgrim's Progress by Chris Jagger
Water Gardens Bloom in South Texas by Kirby Fry
Evolution of an Herb Farm by Michael Pilarski
Making the Farm Pay Its Way by Mark Shepard
High, Dry & Flourishing by Peter Bane
Permaculture Goes Suburban by Brian Skeele
You Can Lead a Rabbit to Water... by Richard Herman
Beauty: A Key to Sustainability by Will Hooker
Urban Agriculture in Cuba by Fundacion
#48 Making Changes
Fall 2002, $8
A Vision of Co-Intelligent Activism by Tom Atlee
Webs of Power (Starhawk)
Urban Food Circles by Bob Ewing
Change Insurgency in a Shamrock World by Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky
A Perspective on Change by Peter Bane
Snowballing Feedback Loops by Paul Krafel
Garden-Grown Activism by Loren Davidson
The Zen of Global Transformation by Nasrudin O'Shaw
A Permaculture-Informed Confluence by David Sando
A Visionary Repairs the City by Mark Lakeman and Toby Hemenway
Culture Out of Daily Life by John Schinnerer
Escaping the Job Trap by Thomas J Elpel
A Model fro Argentina's Recovery by Gustavo Ramirez and Silvia Balado
a Pura Vida by John Valenzuela
#47 Watersheds
Summer 2002, $6
Water As Commodity by Maude Barlow
Basins of Relations by Brock Dolman
From Source to Sink: Planning Watershed Development by Max Lindegger
Wisdom of the Beaver by Toby Hemenway
Romance of the Raindrop by Bill McLarney
Peat Bogs: Preservation or Peril by Sissi Grohman
Where the Water Meets the Land by Claude William Genest
Skywater Center - Restoring a Northern California Watershed - Capra j'Neva Devi interviews Penny Livingston and James Stark
Urban Stormwater Management by Tom Liptan
Where Rocks Have Made the Water Run by Brad Lancaster
Look Before You Leap by Chris Anderson
Rabbits Love Roses by Jane Hunnicutt
#46 Good Work and Right Livelihood
July 2001, $6
A New Human Story by Jacob von Uexkull
Designing the Permaculture LInks by Jerome Osentowski and Peter Bane
Keeping Up with the Smiths by Seve Solomon
Finding Work that Works by Nick Routledge
Surviving Insurmountable Opportunities: Interview with Tom Ward
Calories, the Real Economic Currency by Thomas J. Elpel
Birth of a Meditation Cushion Salesman by Patrick Clark
An Escape from Wage Slavery by Alan Seid
Finding a Sense of Surplus by Toby Hemenway
Adventures in Egalitarian Living b Jon Dumont
Growing Community Power by Richard Komp
Cosmic Bob's Plan for Your Life by Douglas Bullock
Social Ecology in Action by Keja MacEwan
A Day of Urban Sustainability by Tim Krupnik
Activists Envision a New World by Brendan Conley
#45 Medicine and Health
March 2001, $6
Transforming World and Self by Joan Harper;
Your Home is Your Castle by Paul Battle
Designing Care by Susan Parenti and Patch Adams
AIDS and Ayurveda by Pankaj Seth, N. D.
Bacteria: Pathogens or Agents of Decay by Adeha Feustel
A Rumination on Barberry and Descartes by Richard Mandelbaum
Integrated Community Health by Katherine Willow, N. D. and Michael Willoz
Women's Health and Traditional medicine by Cynthia Edwards
A Fourth World Apothecary by Arjuna daSilva
Healing Weeds by Corey-Pine Shane
Botanical Medicine in Hawaii by Michael Pilarski
Healing Powers of the Garden by Elizabeth Messer Diehl
Medicinal Tree Crops by Martin Craw ford
Medicinal Trees, Shrubs & Vines for Cold Climates by Michael Pilarski, compiler
Ginseng: Herbal Ally by Robert Eidus
How to Make Money! by Brendan Conley
Grafting to Wild Rootstocks by Oliver Kellhammer