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Permaculture Activist / Permaculture Design
Digital Archive Collection
Back Issues #1 to #118, 1985 to 2020
Copyright Permaculture Design Publishing 2020
If you’d like the whole collection on a USB drive, it’s available for $100.
Be aware that several of the earliest issues have survived only as photocopies, and issues up to #71 were laid out in Adobe PageMaker, and had to be scanned as well. All of these were printed on newsprint, which yellows with age, the point being that getting quality scans was nearly impossible. Some scans aren’t pretty, but all text is searchable. Issues #72 and onward were laid out in InDesign, and .pdf quality is excellent.
#102 Planting and Propagation
Nov 2016
Propagation Basics by Rhonda Baird
Planting Woodlands by Peter Bane
Self-Seeding in the Garden-Farm by Diana Sette
Surprised by Seedlings by John Rogers
Cover Crops and Feral Vegies by Rick Valley
Cultivating with Bambi by Robert Kourik
Broad Issues in Plant Development by Eric Toensmeier
Chickens by John Wages
Made Locally by Susan Grill
Ecology, Energy, and Alternative Agriculture by R. Alan Wight and Braden Trauth
Unfulfilled Promise: Biogas Systems by Bob Hamburg
Bill Mollison Tributes & Memorials - Penny Livingston, Rick Valley, Peter Light
Report from the 2nd North American Permaculture Convergence - Rhonda Baird & Koreen Brennan
The Tamaputs Plateau by Jeremy Elliot Lynch
Response to Dan Palmer y Peter Light
#101 Permaculture at Work
Fall 2016
Permaculture Designer Contractor by Marco Barrantes
Developing the Permaculture Workforce by Erik Ohlsen
Up on the Roof by Joshua Burman Thayer
Permaculture & Real Estate by Cassandra Ferrera
Community-supported Education by Rishi Kumar Conscious Agriculture Adventures in Hawai’i by Dash Kuhr
The Vanguards of Regenerative Economy by Erin Axelrod
What is Work and Why do We Work? by Don Tipping
Earning Money through Sustainable Design by Leigh Adams
Regenerative Agriculture—What is Practical, Possible, Prudent? Loren Luyendyk
Permaculture Principles build Livelihood by Vanessa Harmony
The End of Wage Slavery by Matt Powers
The Power of Collaborative Economics by Koreen Brennan
Hugelkultur 101 by Diana Sette
Christopher Alexander’s Neglected Challenge to Permaculture by Dan Palmer
Plus Reviews of The Permaculture Student by Matt Powers, Designing Regenerative Cultures by Daniel Christian Wahl, and The Rocket Mass Heater
#100 Water Extremes: Drought & Flood
Summer 2016
Capturing the Rains of Hurricane Odile by Brad Lancaster
Flatlands, Flash Floods, and Permaculture by Bruce Blair
Lessons from Water by Bonita Fordd
Mycorhizal Fungi in Water Extremes by Peter McCoy
Water-Harvesting Swales for Drought-Proofing by Douglas Barnes
Using Water to Heal the Land by Michael Pilarski
The Australian Keyline Plan by Ken Yeomans
Extreme Resilience: Rain Gardens & Urban Trees by Diana Sette
Buying Good Stock by Robert Kourik
The Scourge of the Captains of Compost by Robert Kourik
Permaculture in Practice: The 4th Thailand Permaculture Convergence by Michael B. Commmons
Book Reviews
Gardening with Less Water: Low-Tech, Low-Cost Techniques by David Bainbridge
Miraculous Abundance: One quarter-acre, two French farmers & enough food to feed the world by Perriine & Charles Herve-Gruyer
City of Refuge (The Fifth Saccred Thing, Vol. 3) by Starhawk
The Nature of Order: An essay on the art of building & the nature of the universe by Christopher Alexander
#99 Ecological Restoration
Spring 2016
The Upward Spiral by Jono Neiger
Tree-Crop Survivors: Standing Tall Amongst the Sprawl by Ben Richmond
Restoring Commuities & Landscape: Agroforestry in Ecuador by Nick Slobodian
Ecology & Economy: The End of Restoration by Tao Orion
Woodland Permaculture by Don Tipping
Open Letter Reclaiming Environmentalism by Derrick Jensen & Lierre Keith
- Understanding the Ebb & Flow of Permaculture by David Holmgren
- Abundance from Small Spaces by Graham Bell
- A New Framework for Sustainability by Kristin Vala Ragnarsdottir
- Can Arable be Permacultural by Federico Filippi
- The Big Idea with Seven Billion Solutions by Rosemary Morrow
- Harnessing Permaculture for Sustainable Development by Gisele Henriques & Lachlan McKenzie
- Rights of Nature - Why Do We Need It? by Mumta Ito -
A Perennial Food Guild for the Arid Southwest by Michael Ford
Grow Your Own Phosphorus by Robert Kourik
Book Reviews
Trees for Gardens, Orchards, & Permaculture by Martin Crawford
The Healing Terrain: Coming Home to Nature's Medicine by Jesse Wolf Hardin along with Kiva Rosese Hardin, David Hoffmann, Phyllis Light, Robin Rose Bennett, Juliet Blankespoor, & Dara Saville
#98 Decolonizing Permaculture
Winter 2015
Permaculture = Relationship by Stella Strega Scoz & Jose’ Lorenzo Zamora
Living Naturally: A Black Woman Practicing Permaculture by Kirtrina Baxter
People of Color Statement from the NAPC by POC Caucus, NAPC 2014
Permaculture and the Patrix by Andrew Langford
Open Letter … in the Wake of the Charleston Shootings by Dani slabaugh, David Rodriguez,
& Nakia Winfield -
The Intersectionality of Permaculture Ethics by Anandi A. Premlall
Navigating an Uneven Terrain by Heather Jo Flores
Exploring the Intersection of Permaculture & Decolonization by Jesse Watson
A Short Lexicon of Racism by Starhawk
Best Practices to Support Women in Permaculture by Karryn Olson-Ramanujan
Colonialism Dimishes Us All by Joel Glanzberg
In Support of Women and People of Color in Permaculture: A Report by Jonathon Bates
#97 Life on the Edge
Fall 2015
A New Culture of Healing by Jesse Wolf Hardin
Hedgerows Make Better Neighbors by Molly Phemister
Life on the Edge by Rick Valley
Hellstrip Polycultures by Frank Raymond Cetera
Permaculture in Succession: Reaching the Masses by Alan Booker
Humanure: Just Do It by Stan Wilson
Deep Roots for Dynamic Accumulation? by Robert Kourik
Walking the Line: Culture by Jeanmarie Zirger
Designing for Childen and Elders by Roman Shapla
Gardening Natives by Dara Saville
Whole Earth, Whole Birth by Marly Hornik
Grief: Designing for Disaster by Lonnie Howell
Green Chinampas by Jeanmarie Zirger
Food Justice and Edible Schoolyards by Patricia Sprague
#96 Building the Solar Economy
Summer 2015
The Gross Society: Why Energy Profit Matters by Richard Heinberg
Enchanted Ecosystems: Bioshelters and Solar Greenhouses by Jason Workman
Designing the Passivhaus by Christina Snyder
Lemons in the Living Room by Sue Gray and Jerome Osentowski
Solar Success in the Midwest by Woodie Bessler, Darrell Boggess, Anne Heddin, & Terry Usrey
Planting Rain in the Desert by Jeremy Lynch
Active Systems for the Passive Solar House by Christina Snyder
Building a Solar Business by N. Ryan Zaricki
Perennial Grains and Pseudocereals, Part 2, by Eric Toensmeier
Revival of a Peer-Driven Permaculture Organization by Penny Livingston-Stark and Peter Bane
Species Index (Issues #75-90)
Book Reviews:
Afterburn: Society Beyond Fossil Fuels by Richard Heinberg (review by Peter Bane);
Seed Libraries and other means of keeping seeds in the hands of the people by Cindy Connor
(review by Peter Bane);
Around the World in 80 Plants by Stephen Barstow (review by Peter Bane).
#95 Perennial Crops
Spring 2015
Perennial Crops, Perennial Cultures by Adam Brock
Hybrid Swarms and Hickory-Pecans by Philip A. Rutter
De-Slugging the Woods by Steve Gabriel
Perennial Sugar by Bill Whipple
Regreening Haiti by Braden Trauth
Four Perennial Vegetables by Martin Crawford
Perennial Cereals and Pseudocereals by Eric Toensmeier
Basic Guild Patterning by Rico Zook
One, Two, Three – Actinidia! by Jono Neiger
A Forager’s Journey to the Future by Ande Shewe
General Index (Issues #75-90)
Book Reviews:
The Community-Scale Permaculture Farm (Review by Peter Bane);
Organic Mushroom Farming and MycoRemediation (Review by Brian Mets);
Growing Hybrid Hazelnuts (Review by Peter Bane);
Eat Your Greens (Review by Peter Bane)
#94 Seasonal Cycles of Work
Winter 2014
Festivals and Forestry on the Ecological Calendar by Tom Ward
A High Desert Homestead by Erin O’Neill
Seasons of the Market Garden by Darrell Frey
Eating Year-Round from a Wisconsin Garden by Kathleen Plunkett-Black
Energy Through the Seasons by Peter Bane
Weaving the Threads of Resilience by Rhonda Baird
Forest Garden Research by Tomas Remiarz
Farming the Woods: An Integrated Permaculture Approach to Growing Food and Medicinals
in the Temperate Forest by Ken Mudge and Steve Gabriel (Reviewer Peter Bane);
Sustainable [R]evolution: Permaculture in Ecovillages, Urban Farms and Communities
Worldwide. [Reviewer Michael Welber]
#93 Experimentation: Science in Permaculture
Fall 2014
Critical Questions for Permaculture by Rafter Sass Ferguson
Dynamic Accumulators Revisited by Robert Kourik
Experimentation in Permaculture by Chris Warburton-Brown
Nitrogen-Fixing Vegetables by Jonathan Bates
Bio-Char – the Carbon Kickstarter by Kelpie Wison & Hans-Peter Schmidt
People’s Science or Pseudoscience? by Rafter Sass Ferguson
Permaculture Farmer in Malawi by Abigail Conrad
Forming a More Perfect Union: Permaculture & Academia by Steve Gabriel
Soil and Biodiversity Test by Tom Kemeny
Political Ecology & Public Permaculture by Christopher Kelly-Bisson
A Different Kind of Luxury: Japanese Lessons in Simple Liiving & Innner Abundance (Review by Erin Schey); The Art & Science of Shepherding: Tapping the Wisdom of French Herders (Review by Peter Bane); Integrated Forest Gardening: The complete guide to polycultures & plant guilds in permaculture systems (Review by Peter Bane); The Permaculture Orchard (video) (Review by Peter Bane)
#92 Stacking Functions
Summer 2014
A Primer on Stacking Functions by Matt Smaus
Making the Most of Every Growing Surface by Marie F. Fleming
55 Uses of Biochar by Hans-Peter Schmidt & Kelpie Wilson
Growing Community Against Steep Odds by Amy Stross
A Linguistic Permaculture of the Oak by Ben Kessler
Nature, Culture, and Self by Bonita Ford
Fodder Banking in Central America by Justin West
Designing with the Rule of Three by Rhonda Baird
Sensible Solutions for a World of Extremes: Colorado Flooding by Jason Gerhardt
North American Permaculture Convergence by Michael Pilarski
Species Index to Issues 41-74 (May 1999 – Winter 2009
Book reviews:
Earth Users Guide to Teaching Permaculture, 2nd Edition;
Building Small Barns, Sheds, & Shelters;
Free-Range Chicken Gardens: How to Create a Beautiful, Chicken-Friendly Yard; The Mobile Poultry Slaughterhouse;
Secrets of Plant Propagation;
Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond, Vol. 1, 2nd Edition;
Cider: Making, Using, & Enjoying Sweet & Hard Cider, 3rd Edition;
Basic Butchering of Livestock & Game;
The Market Gardener: A Successful Grower’s Handbook for Small-Scale Organic Farming;Yigal Deutscher: Envisioning Sabbatical Culture
#91 Seeds
Spring 2014
Stewards of Arizona Seed-Sheds by Chris Franco
Seed Saving Primer by Randel Agrella
Remember the Leucaena by Marjory Wildcraft
Volunteer Plants in the Garden by Michael Pilarski
Successful Seed-Saving by Hillie Salo
Bioregional Seed-Sheds by Don Tipping
Saving the Seeds of Cheese by David Asher Rotzstain
Create Your Own Seed Bank by Randel Agrella
The Seeds of Community: Forest Garden Emerging by Frank Raymond Cetera
Start a Community Seed Bank by Ellen Rainwalker
GMO Seeds: The New Green Revolution in Africa by Trina Moyles
Index to Permaculture Activist #59 – 74 (2006-2009)
Book reviews:
Edible Landscaping with a Permaculture Twist; American Exodus: Climate Change and the Coming Flight for Survival; The Vegetable Gardener’s Guide to Permaculture: Creating An Edible Ecosystem
#90 Appropriate Technology
Winter 2013
It’s Getting Better All the Time…. by Maurice Schauffert
Low-Tech Tools for Zone 4 by Ben Weiss
Rocket Mass Heaters by Leslie Jackson
Stocking Up with Solar Power: Evaluating Food Dryers by Dennis Scanlin
Teaching an Old Pump New Tricks by Douglas Bullock
WWOOFing Bonds Virtual with Face-to-Face Community by Dan Moberger
Social Sharing Software by Chris Carnevale
Hand-Powered Oil Presses by John Wages
Facing the Giants: Permaculture Trials at a Big Ag School by Kevin Woltz
Scythes: A Gem from the Past by Vaidila Satvika
Convivial Technology: The Scythe by Peter Vido
Board Game Technology for Education by Roman Shapla
Solar Double-Cropping by Glen & Lyle Estill
Community-Supported Industry by Susan Witt
Book Reviews:
Small Stories, Big Changes: Agents of change on the front lines of sustainability;
The Woodland Way, 2nd Ed.: A permaculture approach to sustainable woodland management;
Earth Repair: A grassroots guide to healing toxic & damaged landscapes;
Let It Shine: The 6000-year story of solar energy;
Growing Food in the Southwest Mountains: A guide to high altitude, semi-arid home permaculture gardens
#89 Practicing Democracy
Autumn, 2013
Mimicking Life’s Politics by Ellen Laconte
The Case for Slow Democracy by Susan Clark & Woden Teachout
David vs. Goliath: Seed Libraries by Stephanie Syson
Mapping the Way to Prosperity in Rhode Island by Greg Gerritt
Lessons from the Iroquois in Self-Organizing Governance by Joel Glanzberg
A Toolbox for Social Permaculture by Abrah Jordan Dresdale & Connor Stedman
Entrepreneurship & the Three-Legged Stool of Sustainability by Lee Walker Warren
Bring a Little Dirt into Your Life: So. Calif. Community Gardens by Bill Roley
The Forgotten Herb: Sweet Cicely by Jill Henderson
Patoralism: Problem or Solution by Alice Gray
Losing Ground in the Solomon Islands by Rosemary Morrow
Book Reviews: Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Food Rights: The escalating battle over who decides what we eat;
The Five Stages of Collapse: Survivors toolkit;
Principles of Ecological Landscape Design;
Financing our Foodshed: Growing Local Food with Slow Money;
Growing Food in a Hotter, Drier Climate: Lessons from desert farmers on adapting to climate uncertainty
#88, Earth Skills & Nature Connection
Summer 2013
Mentoring for the Earth: Nature Connection & Cultural Repair by Mark Morey
Building a Permaculture Legacy Through Nature Connection by Jon Young & Josh Lane
Connecting Youth to Nature & Self by Rick Berry
Wild Animals Tell Us by Tom Ward
Teaching Earth Skill to Children by Roman Shapla
Permaculture & Wilderness Survival by Adam “Hub” Knott
Tracks to a Full Stomach by Bonita Ford
Traditional Observation Techniques for the Permaculture Designer by Benjamin Weiss
Adventures in Oyster-Tecture: Thought on Seabed Design by Jason Gerhardt
A Personal Forest: Reclaiming Our Carbon Footprints by Albert Bates
Suburban Agroforestry: An Ohio Valley Prototype by Blake Cothron
Book Reviews: Perennial Vegetable Gardening;
Plowing with Pigs: And Other Creative, Low-budget Homesteading Solutions;
Restoration Agriculture: Real-world Permaculture for Farmers;
Rebuilding the Foodshed: How to Create Local, Sustainable, & Secure Food Systems;
The Resilient Farm & Homestead: An Innovative Permaculture & Whole Systems Design Approach
#87 Weeds to the Rescue
Spring 2013
Managing Weedy Species by Tao Orion;
Where the Sheet Mulch Hits the Road by Creighton Hofeditz;
These Are a few of My Favorite Weeds by Stephanie Syson & Jerome Osentowski;
Wisdom of Weeds by Frank Salzano;
The Underestimated Paulownia by Tony Troia;
Grafting onto Weedy Opportunities by Bill Whipple;
Net-Generation Polycultures by Eric Toensmeier;
Burdon Enemy, Burdock Ally by Ryan Bloosser & Ted Butchart
Rescuing the Reputation of Weeds by Tom Ward;
Index to Permaculture Activist issues 41-58
Book Reviews:
The Organic Seed Grower: A farmer’s guide to vegetable seed production (in Word);
Permaculture Design: A step-by-step guide; Paradise Lot: Two plant geeks, one-tenth of an acre, and the making of an edible garden oasis in the city; Making Home: Adapting our homes and our lives to settle in place