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Permaculture Activist / Permaculture Design
Digital Archive Collection
Back Issues #1 to #118, 1985 to 2020
Copyright Permaculture Design Publishing 2020
If you’d like the whole collection on a USB drive, it’s available for $100.
Be aware that several of the earliest issues have survived only as photocopies, and issues up to #71 were laid out in Adobe PageMaker, and had to be scanned as well. All of these were printed on newsprint, which yellows with age, the point being that getting quality scans was nearly impossible. Some scans aren’t pretty, but all text is searchable. Issues #72 and onward were laid out in InDesign, and .pdf quality is excellent.
#70 Ethics at Work, $6,
Winter, 2008
Business-As-Usual is the Enemy by Peter Bane;
Thirteen Principles of People Care by Starhawk;
Permaculture in Business by Stefan Geyer;
How Ecovillages Care for People by Diane Leafe Christian;
A White Man in India by Rico Zook;
Beans, Bananas, & Boarding School by Rosemary Morrow;
The Principle of "No Waste" by Josh Kearns;
The Ethics of Quality Control by Jan Martin Bang;
Growing Our Own by Sarah Baker;
Farming in the City with Runoff from a Street by Brad Lancaster;
The Happiness Plant by Albert Bates
#69 Permaculture at Home, $6,
Autumn 2008
From Ecotourism to Grunt & Grow in Hawai'i by John Schinnerer;
A Forest Garden Grows in London by Graham Burnett;
Suburban Renaissance in the Heartland by Rhonda Baird;
CCAT: Home-Scale Action on a California Campus by Jeffrey M. Adams & Zachary A. Mermel;
The Philadelphia Orchard Project by Phil Forsyth;
A Charcoal Bucket Filter for Drinking Roof Water by Josh Kearns;
Brambleberry Farm from the Ground Up by Peter Bane;
Dreaming a New England Forest Home by Nicko Rubin;
Cleaning Water with Floating Islands by Scott Kellogg & Stacy Pettigrew;
Bicycles Pedaling into the Spotlight by J. Matthew Roney;
Gulf Coast Climate Refugees Move Inland by Lester R. Brown;
Mississippi Blooming by Akia Chabot;
In Memory of Nader Khalili by Wes Roe & Marge Erickson
#68 Plants on the Move, $6,
Summer 2008
Questioning the Invasive Species Paradigm by Jono Neiger and Dave Jacke
Re-thinking Non-Native Species by Eric Toensmeier
Forest Migration and Climate Change by Peter Bane
A New Perennial for Cold Climates by Jonathan Bates
Possible Black Walnut Polyculture Guilds by Rob Scott & William C. Sullivan
Stalking the Wild Stocks: Three from Forager's Harvest by Sam Thayer
Saving the Seed Savers by Kathryn DeLee
Grow Your Own Community Garden by David Tracey
Greening the Neighborhood by Jay Walljasper
Healthy Adaptive Honeybees by Kelly Simmons
Massive Diversion of US Grain to Fuel Cars Raising World Food Prices by Lester Brown
#67 Kids in Permaculture
Spring 2008, $6
Editor's Edge by Scott Horton;
Chicken Mash Layer Cake Midwife Girl by Thorpe Moeckel
Ruby Kay: the Accidental Permaculturist by Scott Horton
The School As Ecosystem by Sam Dunlap
Permaculture Education Comes Home by Rhonda Baird
Introducing High School Students to Permaculture by Kelly Simmons
Bolitas de Vida: Tlaxcalan Children Make Seedballs by Scott Horton
Sowing the Seeds of Gardening in Kids - Colorado Master Gardeners
Food Unlocks Interest in Sustainability: Fostering Research Skills in Youth by Dianne Clipsham & Letitia Charbonneau
Bottled Water Boycotts: Turning Back to the Tap by Janet Larsen
Solar Cell Production Jumps 50% in 2007 by Jonathan G. Dorn
Feeding Eight Billion Well by Lester R. Brown
#66 Animals in Design,
Winter 2007-08, $6
Editor's Edge: Design for All Six Kingdoms;
Way Down Yonder in the Pawpaw Patch by Chris Chmiel
Oxymoron on the Menu: Jumbo Shrimp by Keith Johnson
The Year of the Alpaca by Suvia Judd & Deborah Berman
Eggs, Milk, Honey...and No Gasoline by Arina & Scott Pittman
The Tao of Permaculture Beekeeping by Eugene Monaco
Pulling Permaculture Together: An Integrated New Hampshire Farm by Lauren Buyofsky & Bill Erickson
Permaculture Going to the Dogs by Dave Boehnlein
Insects as Human Food by David Gracer
The Universal Chicken: Notes on Pastured Poultry by John Wages
Small Livestock in the (Urban) Backyard by Dawn Pillsbury
Chicken Tractor from the Dump by Jan Steinman
Rabbits on Pasture by Kathryn Kerby
Abundance for All: Forest Restoration for Top Predators by Chris Shanks
The Ethical Omnivore: Working with Complementary Animals by Beck Lowe
It's Not Easy Being Green: A New Way of Burial by Jane Hillhouse
Agrichar: Birth of a New Wedge on Climate and Soils by Kelpie Wilson
#65 Climate Change
Autumn 07, $6
If Only Gay Sex Caused Global Warming by Daniel Gilbert
Disappearing Lakes, Shrinking Seas by Janet Larsen
De-Stabilizing Climate by Lester R. Brown;
Recognizing Forests' Role in Climate by the Union of Concerned Scientists
The Urban Forest Possible by Andy & Katy Lipkis
Making Trees Pay by Albert Bates
Eight Principles for Successful Rainwater Harvesting by Brad Lancaster
The Greenhouse Effect: Creating Indoor Gardens by Peter Bane
Charcoal Water Filtration by Josh Kearns
The Changing Human Climate by Paul Hawken
#64 Waste = Food
Summer 2007, $6
Throwaway Economy in Trouble by Lester Brown
The Strategy of Salvage by John Michael Greer
Peak Soil by Vera Brandova
Getting Piggy with Integrated Waste Management by Josh Trought
Bicycles, Night Soil, and the Future of Garbage by Lisa DePiano
The farm as Organism by Don Tipping
The Opportunistic Plant Question in Permaculture by Michael Pilarski
Building a Simple BioDigester by Thomas Carmona
The Waters of Spain in Grey, Black, and Yellow by Ines Sanchez and Richard Wade
Vermiculture Goes to School by Binet Payne
#63 Building & Technology
Spring 2007, $6
How Do We Want To Dwell? by Dafyd Rawlings
Natural Building Outlaws Meet the Code by Warren Brush & Dafyd Rawlings
Making Natural Building a Legal Option by Michael G. Smith
Strawbale Building in China by Catherine Wanek
A Sleeping Red Giant: Scaling Up Technology in China by Kelly Lerner
Shelter & the Practice of the Local by Lydia Doleman
Mr. Cob Goes to Eden: The Armenian Republic of Natural Building by Ianto Evans
Integrated Solar Heating, Cooking, Pumping & Power by Albert Bates with Leila Dregger
Building with Vision: An Exemplary Self-Build Project by Catherine Wanek
A Nation-Scale Permaculture System Emerges in Brazil by Ali Sharif
#62 The Art of Permaculture
Winter 2006, $6
Beauty the Forgotten Permaculture Principle? by Scot Horton
Painting and Permaculture: Learning to See by Adam Wolpert
Observation in Writing and Permaculture by Tami Brunk
Ecoartists Open Eyes and Hearts to Nature by Patricia Watts
A Life in Art, Activistm and Community by Heather Gaudet
Catching Water, Making Magic by Chrissie Orr
Street Theatre & Water Struggle in Bolivia by Eve Tulbert
Art & Bioremediation: Turning Coalfields to Commons by T. Allen Comp, Ph.D.
Living Willow Placemaking by Josho Somine
The Body as Zone Zero by Nala Walla
The Nearly Lost Art of the Found by Andy Mahler
Permaculture Permeates Pop Culture by Monica Richards; and more.
#61 The Unseen Kin-doms
Fall 2006, $6
Using Naturalist Observation as a Design Tool by Amanda Malachesky
The Purpose of Weeding is Not to Eliminate by Brigitte Norland
Mysteries of the Soil Food Web by Bart Anderson
Mycelium as Nature's Internet by Paul Stamets
Making Your Own Mycorrhizal Inoculum by Sunseed Desert Technology
Bees: The Sweetest of Community Builders by Minna Jain
Cover Crops as Bee Forage in the Desert Southwest by Lynda Prim
Earth Energies Inform Design by Lee Barnes;
Design for the Five Kingdoms: ZERI Principles and Methods by Kris Holstrom and Tom Riesing
Time to Rekindle Local Currencies by Susan Witt
Dead Zones Increasing at the Edge of the Sea by Janet Larsen
Between Ice and Ocean by Albert Bates
Empty Skies: World's Bird at Risk by Janet Larsen; and more.
#60 Land Use Past & Present
Summer 2006, $6
Is Sustainable Agriculture an Oxymoron? by Toby Hemenway
Still Time to Learn from the Negev's Bedouin by Nirah Shirazipour
Eastern Woodlands Indigenous Agroforestry by Dave Sansone
Permaculture Begins to Heal the Land and Cultures of India by Richard Zook
Land Planning Comes to Arcosanti by Andrew Millison
A Rockies Relationship with the Land by Peter Bane
Don Carlos Grows a Forest by Scott Horton
Population Growth Leading to Land Hunger by Janet Larsen
#59 Peak Oil
Spring 2006, $6
Peak Oil & Permaculture by Tim Winton
Ecological Collapse & Trauma Theory by Lisa Rayner
Something Will Save Us by Thom Hartmann
Apocalypse Not by Toby Hemenway
The Curse of the Were-Rabbit as a Post-Apocalyptic Utopia by Albert Bates
Designing Energy Descent Pathways by Rob Hopkins
How Cuba Survived Peak Oil by Megan Quinn
An Amtrak Peak-Oil Tour by Jan Lundberg
Oil & Food: A Rising Security Challenge by Danielle Murray
Relocalize Eonomic Life by Doug Biggs
Biofuels: Peak Oil Silver Bullet or Ecological & Humanitarian Disaster by Alec Johnson
Cultivating Algae for Liquid Fuel Production by Tom Riesing
#58 Urban Permaculture
Winter 2005, $6
Urban and Rural Futures Revisited by Toby Hemenway
Saturday in the Garden of Union by Claudia Joseph
A Permaculture Alliance with History by Phil Forsyth
Zones and Sectors in the City by Bart Anderson
Plant a Revolution: Growing Food in the City by Craig Hepworth
Detroit Urban Visionaries by Christopher Shein
Rebuilding New Orleans and Everytown USA by Richard Register
The Enduring Chinampas of Mexico by Nik Bertulis
City Form, Country Venue: A Village for the Ages by Peter Bane, Albert Bates and Keith Johnson
Permaculture and Community Transform a Military Base by Doug Biggs
Beverly Doty: A Permaculture Campaigner in Suburbia by Susan W. Clark
The Permacultured Kitchen by Robert Waldrop
Radical Vistas from the Urban Frontier by Scott Kellogg and Stacy Pettigrew
Moires of a "Rurban" Permaculturist by Andrew Goodheart Brown
A Farmer Comes to Town by Don Tipping
#57 20th Anniversary Issue! Looking Back / Looking Forward
Fall 2005, $6
Permaculture Challenges by Sego Jackson
A Permaculture Remembrance by Will Carey
Permaculture in the USA by Michael Pilarsk
Permaculture Changes by Kevin Tope
The Road Less Traveled by William Roley
Permatecture by Ianto Evans
Gaia University by Tami Brunk
Toward an Ignorance-based World View by Wes Jackson
The Soft Edge of Permaculture by Robert Silber
The Permaculture Institute of Northern California by Deborah Grace
The First US Conference on Peak Oil and Community Solutions by Becky Elder
Oil Depletion & the Immediate Need for Permaculture Communities by Richard Heinberg
Retrofitting the Suburbs for Sustainability by David Holmgren
Success and Succession: IPC7 by Peter Bane
#56 Tree Crops...Tree Guilds: A New Look at Permanent Agriculture
Summer 2005, $6
Non-Traditional Tree Crops for Northern Climates by Karl Davies
A History of Pine Nuts for Northern Climates by Charles Rhora
Tree Vegetables: Salads That Grow on Trees! by Eric Toensmeier
Acorns as Human Food by Ken Asmus
Restoring the King of the Eastern Forest by Dale Kolengerg & Frederick V. Hebard, Ph.D.
Silvopastoral Agroforestry Using Honeylocust by Andy Wilson
Pattern and Process in the Underground Economy by Dave Jacke
Broadscale Agroforestry Ten Years On... by Mark Shepard
Temperate Agroforestry with Bamboo by Rick Valley
Wondrous Willow, Copious Coppice by Don Tipping
Social Forestry in the Shasta Bioregion by Tom Ward
Every Tree Has a Story by Peter Bane
Permaculture Beyond Borders by Jamie McSweeney and Max Kamen
Epilogue: A Story of Robert by Dave Jacke
The Straight (Over)Story by Richard Blaha
#55 Learning from Our Mistakes
Spring 2005, $6
For Want of a Nail by Toby Hemenway
Fruitful Misconceptions by Bart Anderson
From Unexpected Sectors by Kathryn Santoyo
Permaculture in Australia - Hard-Won Lessons by Russ Grayson
Read the F*#@^%^*! Manual by Toby Hemenway
Reach a Little Farther by Arjuna da Silva
Making Friends, Unmaking Fear by Mark Lakeman
Seeing the Forest and the Trees by Diana Leafe Christian
The Nature of Mistakes - and Mistakes in Nature by Stephanie Gerson
A Thousand Year Error by Michael Pilarski
The Roots of Healing by Nick Routledge
Beyond Public Opinion to Public Judgement by Tom Atlee
Lessons in Village Design by Peter Bane