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Permaculture Activist / Permaculture Design
Digital Archive Collection
Back Issues #1 to #118, 1985 to 2020
Copyright Permaculture Design Publishing 2020
If you’d like the whole collection on a USB drive, it’s available for $100.
Be aware that several of the earliest issues have survived only as photocopies, and issues up to #71 were laid out in Adobe PageMaker, and had to be scanned as well. All of these were printed on newsprint, which yellows with age, the point being that getting quality scans was nearly impossible. Some scans aren’t pretty, but all text is searchable. Issues #72 and onward were laid out in InDesign, and .pdf quality is excellent.
#86 Health & Nutrition
Winter 2012
Naturopathy Centre Integrates Health & Community by Katherine Willow;
Seasonal Eating for Health by Tiffany Robbins;
Reclaiming Plant Medicine by rachel Berry;
Mushrooms & Vit D: The Sun Connection by Paul Stamets;
The Herbal Medic: Herbal First Aid by Sam Coffman;
Edible Insects by Roman Shapla;
Forest Gardens on Campus by Macon Foscue;
Beer for Health & Happiness by Phil Wages;
Growing Wise Children by Leigh Senna;
Fenugreek: A Versatile & Healing Herb by Jill Henderson;
Choosing Plants & Animals for Edible Landscapes by Kyle Chamberlain;
Not All Nitrogen Fixers Are Created Equal by Eric Toensmeier;
The Benefit of Ordeal by Albert Bates
Book Reviews:
People Money: The Promise of Regional Currency; The Art of Fermentation; The Man Who Planted Trees: Lost Groves, champion trees, & an urgent plan to save the planet; How to Grow Perennial Vegetables: Low-maintenance, low-impact vegetable gardening; Future Money: Breakdown or Breakthrough; The “Ultimate” Guide to Permaculture (don’t buy this book, it’s neither permaculture nor “ultimate”)
#85 There Goes the Neighborhood
Autumn 2012, $6
Rural, Urban, and Potential Neighborhoods by Creighton Hofeditz
The Needs of Sustainable Communities by David Bainbridge
“Re-Villagize”: Patterns to Build the Neighborhood by Andrew Millison
Community Solar Power by Greg Pahl
Multi-Farm CSA in NH: Local Economic Organizing by Scott Codey & Bethan Weick
Cultivating Food-Secure Communities by Mark Roseland
SENS House at Berea College: Metrics on Sustainability by Richard Olson
Cross-Country on Amtrak: Thoughts on Broadscale Restoration by Michael Pilarski
Relocating an Intentional Community by Tarenta Baldeschi
Community Common Rights and Fracking by Pamela Sherman
Book Reviews:
2052: A global forecast for the next 40 years;
Too Much Magic: Wishful thinking, technology, and the fate of the nation;
Dreaming the Future: Reimagining civilization in the age of nature;
Honeycomb Kids: Big picture parenting for a changing world;
The Seed Underground: A growing revolution to save food
#84 Home and Hearth
Summer 2012
The Permaculture of Domesticity by Sharon Astyk
Natural Building by Sasha Rabin
The Recip0rocating Roof Roundhouse by Huckleberry Leonard
Fire at the Heart of the Home: Retrofitting a Monrovian Barn by Max Jensen
Tending the Hearth by Andrew Goodheart Brown
Inching Toward Permaculture by Ileana Grams-Moog
Grow Dome Pops Up in Denver by Reggie Lafaye
Growing the Homebody Economy by Rachel Kaplan
Homeschooling and Permaculture Adventures by Rhonda Baird
Permaculture in Damaged Drylands by Dan Smith
Nova Scotia: Sticks and Stumps Feed the Hearth by Marissa Ringel
Book Reviews:
The Permaculture Handbook: Garden Farming for Town and Country;
Independence Days: A guide to sustainable food storage and preservation;
Sowing Seeds in the Desert: Natural farming, global restoration and ultimate food security
#83 The Economy of Wood
Spring 2012
The Polewood Economy by Mark Krawczyk
Living by Wood by Bethann Weick
A Basket-Maker’s Landscape by Tom Ward
Ligurian Alnoculture: An Italian Example by Dave Jacke
The Fuel of Choice by Peter Bane
What to Do with All the Wood by Jeanmarie Zirger & Kara Cifizzari
Black Locust: Utility or Futility by Bill Whipple
Perennial Staple Crops: Part 2 by Eric Toensmeier
Book Reviews:
Asphalt to Ecosystems; Occupy World Street; The KunstlerCast; The Holistic Orchard
#82 Growing Staple Crops
Winter 2011
Growing Staple Foods in Permaculture by Mark Shepard
Tell Me Where You Get Your Bread by Michelle Ajamian & Brandon Jaeger
Staple Crops Without Tillage –
Part 1, Dry Beans; Part 2, Growing Corn among the 3 Sisters by Susanna Lein
Pole Beans – The Vagaries of Phaseolus by Leigh Hurley
Poor People’s Food by John Glavis
Pig-Powered Potatoes by Behann Weick
Growing Rice in Vermont by Erik Andrus with Ben Falk
Who Am I to Farm? by Peter Bane
Working Out a New Farming System by Harry MacCormack
Perennial Staple Crops by Eric Toensmeier
Chestnuts: Staple Foods Do Grow on Trees by Frank Salzano
Acorn: The Perennial Grain by Kyle Keegan
Book Reviews:
Permaculture Pioneers: Stories from the New Frontier;
The Blue Economy: 10 years, 100 innovations, 100 million jobs
#81 Hidden Connections in the Garden
Autumn 2011
Green Acres Neighborhood Garden, The Place to Be by Ann Kreilkamp
Urban Agriculture – Bringing Paradise Back to the Empty Lot by David Tracey
Food Means Access to Land by Sandor Ellix Katz
Tending the Wild: Restoring Indigenous Practices by Eric Toensmeier
Hoarding and Storing Seeds by Carol Deppe
Gardening Religion: Choices in our Cultural Stew by David Haberman
Lifting the Garden Up: Deep Raised Beds by Sepp Holzer
A Better Deer Fence by Nina Maclean
Greenhouses with Altitude by Jerome Osentowski, Evan Granito, Elena Zubulake & Sara DeAloia
Managing Manure to Save Mankind by Gene Logsden
Wild Edibles in Civilized Settings by Rachel Kaplan
For the Love of Mushrooms by Greg Marley
Book Reviews:
The End of Growth: Adapting to our new economic reality;
Urban Homesteading: Heirloom skills for sustainable living;
Common Ground: Commuity orchards handbook;
Urban Agriculture: Ideas & designs for the new food revolution;
21st Century Greens: Leaf vegetables in nutrition & sustainable agriculture;
Aquaponic Gardening: A step-by-step guide to raising vegetables & fish together
#80 Designing for Disaster
Summer 2011
Mitigating Collapse by Dmitry Orlov
Preparing for & Responding to the Worst: Fire, Quake, Storm, Flood by Steve Cran
Stabilizing Climate with Permanent Agriculture by Eric Toensmeier
Self-Care in a Disastrous World by Rhonda Baird
When Technology Fails: Ensuring Food Supplies by Matthew Stein
Learning to Live with Drought by Peter Bane
Book Reviews:
Bioshelter Market Garden: A permaculture farm;
Prelude: A novel about secrets, treachery & the arrival of peak oil;
The Witch of Hebron: A world made by hand novel;
Sepp Holzer’s Permaculture: A practical guide for farmers, smallholders & gardeners;
Roundwood Timber Framing: Building naturally using local resources;
A Forest Garden Year: DVD
#79 The Urban Frontier, $6,
Spring 2011
An Indoor Farm Grows in Denver by Adam Brock
Meet You on the Roof: City Food Production Looking Up by Phil Forsyth (with Micah Woodcock on Beekeeping in the City)
Being the Change in Your Village by Kelda Miller
D-I-Y Meets P.U.D.: Bringing the Village into the City by Peter Bane
Creating Urban Mycelia: Permaculture for Everyone by Zev Friedman
Permaculture: Farming for Tomorrow by Chuck Burr
General Index to Permaculture Activist issues 24-40
Species Index (issues 24-40)
Book Reviews:
The Biochar Solution: Carbon farming & climate change;
The Growing Edge: Beyond sustainability & regeneration DVD;
Birthrites: Rituals & celebrations for the child-bearing years
#78 Water Wise, $6,
Winter 2011
Thinking Like a River by Michael Blazewicz
Watershed Relationships by Brock Dolman
Berms & Basins Gain the Colorado Rain by Jason Gerhardt
From Wastewater to Gardens by Mark Nelson & Florence Cattin
Old Practices, New Thinking: Water Tools & View for Drylands:
1. Cisterns of Saudi Arabia; 2. Watergy: Where water & Energy Meet by Brad Lancaster
Mexican Water Design Endures 450 Years by Scott Horton
Edible Boardrooms & Allotments in the Sky by Dave Richards
Water Conservation in the Home by Jerry Yudelson
The Causeway Apporach to Poorly Drained Lands by Chris Dixon
#77 Eco-nomics, $6,
Fall 2010
Design for Sustainable Economics by Robert Gilman
New Roots for Economics by Stephanie Mills
Making Sense of a Collapsing System by Peter Bane
The Eco-nomics of Small-Scale Forestry by Ish Shalom
BioShelter Market Gardens by Darrell Frye
The Economics of Logging on Public Lands by Christine Glaser
Community Currencies Build the Future by John Rogers
Cooperation, Peace and Economic Justice by Stephen DeMeulenaere
The New Green-Collar Economy by Abel Kloster
Enterprise Models Regenerate the Planet by Greg Landua, Eric Toensmeier, & Mary Johnson
Permaculture Institutes, Certificates, & the Diploma by Rosemary Morrow
#76 Soil Fertility, $6,
Summer 2010
The Permaculture Way of Soil by Andrew Goodheart Brown
Biochar and Agriculture by James Bruges
Rocky Mountain Miracles with Sheet Mulch by Jerome Osentowski
Hawai'ian Farm Builds Soil with Worms by Sarah Staley
Demystifying humanure: The Poop on Composting Toilets by Joe Jenkins
A Golden Opportunity: Diverting Urine to Fertilize Soil by Carol Steinfeld
Building Soil with Crop Rotations by Eric & Beth Ardapple-Kindberg
Fungus Among Us: Mushrooms and Soil by Alice Beetz and Michael Kustudia
#75 Local Food, $6,
Spring 2010
Expanding the Niche of Local Food: A City and Regional Plan by Peter Bane
Local Food Starts with the Garden: Small Farm Self-Reliance by Darrell E. Frey
Living the local Food Life: Suburban and Rural Views by Doniga Markegard and Susan Osofsky
Food Interdependence in the City - A Group Effort by Robert van de Walle
Colorado Food Bank Adds Own Gardens and Orchards by Melissa Marts
Designing a Garden to Grow the Food Bank by Barb Fath
A Local Foods Movement Worth its Salt by Tao Orion
Reintroducing Staples to Regional Farming by Michelle Ajamian & Brandon Jaeger
Urban Survival Farming by Mike Thayer
#74 Energy Descent, $6,
Winter 2009
A Personal Story: Practical Home Energy Descent by Kate & Larry McAuliffe
Transition: Meeting the Challenge of Energy Descent by Michael Brownlee
Permaculture and Transition in Mexico by Holger Heironimi
Carbon-Negative...Starving Chickens and Sacred Shrines by Albert Bates
On Energy, We're Finally Walking the Walk by Lester R. Brown
Making Fuel Alcohol by Lynn Ellen Doxon
An Uncivilized Solution to a Global Crisis by Keith Farnish
Throwing Out the Throwaway Economy by Lester R. Brown
The Eco-Logic of Descent: Why Industrial Society is Ending by John Michael Greer
The Right Invisible Structures for Energy Descent by Rhonda Baird
#73 Bioregionalism, $6,
Autumn 2009
Jumping Into a New Paradigm by Ken Lassman
ReEnvisioning & Restoring Wild Lands in the Rocky Mountains by Sandy Cruz
As Go the Elephants, So Goes the Bioregion by John Seed
Bioregional Organizing in Cities: A Houston Success by Bob Randall
Heirloom Seeds of Tomorrow by Don Tipping
Gardens of Gratitude: Taking L.A. by Storm by Virginia LeRossignol Blades
Reclaiming the Land Commons by David Harper
Transition Town: Hohenwald, Tennessee by Jennifer Dauksha-English
From Kansas to Oz...& Back Again: A Saga of the BioCongress by Caryn Miriam Goldberg
Making Home in a Global Neighborhood by Peter Bane
Growing a Bioregional Vision by Christine Muehlman Gyovai
#72 The View from Abroad, $6,
Summer 2009
Viva Biafra: Machine Guns, Naked Women, & Heliciculture in Nigeria by Keith Morris
Green Tech: An Optimistic View of the Future by David Holmgren
Integrated Water Management in Ethiopia by Rosemary Morrow
Shrinking Forests: The Many Costs by Lester Brown
Food Exploration in the Caucasus by Justin West
Trees, Fire & Farmers in the Maya Rainforest by Ronald Nigh
Bringing Permaculture to Trinidad by Erle Rahaman Noronha
Bridging Cultures in India & Brazil: Solidarity Through Soil by aManda Greene
Permaculture in Schools in Southern & Eastern Africa by Mugove Walter Nyika
Chasing the Bugger-Bug in Liberia by Warren Brush
End of an Era: No New Coal Plants in America by Jonathan Dorn
#71 Earthworks, $6,
Spring 2009
Mounds of Water Management by Barb Fath & Ted Sunderhaus;
Going Deep in Belize by Albert Bates;
Building the Road to "Lottawater Water" by Peter Bane;
Soil, Water & Carbon for Every Farm by Darren Doherty;
Gardening Lessons from the Past by Laura Donohue;
Permaculture & the Landscape Architect by Andrew Millison;
Earthbag Building by Jeff Bosquet;
A Fridge That Takes Only 0.1kW a Day by Tom Chalko