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For Sale
Land for sale
For sale to permaculturists only: 2&1/2 acre lots @ $10,000 near Tilly, Arkansas. tillypermaculture@gmail.com
FOR SALE PERMACULTURE COMPANY, founded 1997 in Park City, Utah. Lucrative, debt free company with reliable clientele and solid reputation for new design / construction. Utah State Licensed Contractor Voted "Best Landscaper" several years in a row.
Expansion, diversification & growth opportunities abound in our stable regional economy for a water management consultancy / design / build and the need for climate change adaptation.
Dee Downing
Red Ant Works, Inc.
PO Box 682802
Lands of the Ute First Nation Peoples
Now called Park City, Utah 84068 USA
Property and Land
Land for sale
For sale to permaculturists only: 2&1/2 acre lots @ $10,000 near Tilly, Arkansas. tillypermaculture@gmail.com
FOR SALE PERMACULTURE COMPANY, founded 1997 in Park City, Utah. Lucrative, debt free company with reliable clientele and solid reputation for new design / construction. Utah State Licensed Contractor Voted "Best Landscaper" several years in a row.
Expansion, diversification & growth opportunities abound in our stable regional economy for a water management consultancy / design / build and the need for climate change adaptation.
Dee Downing
Red Ant Works, Inc.
PO Box 682802
Lands of the Ute First Nation Peoples
Now called Park City, Utah 84068 USA
Accommodation / B&B
Design / Consultation services
Permaculture Design and Consultation Services provided by Rhonda Baird and Associates through Sheltering Hills Design, LLC. Contact through shelteringhills.net.
Patterns for Abundance Design / Consulting with Peter Bane and Keith Johnson.
We can provide long distance design and advice for clients around the country. 30 years experience. See http://permacultureactivist.net/or call 1-812-335-0383
At this link you can download a copy of the Site Evaluation Questionnaire. Please fill out and send / email to us your reply. Thanks.
Services and crafts