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"Agroforestry Research Trust is ceasing publication of the print edition of Agroforestry News. The last print issue will be Vol. 31 No. 2 (Feb. 2023). An online edition will continue. You may subscribe to the online edition at https://www.agroforestry.co.uk/product-category/publications/agroforestry-news/
Note that we will continue to offer back issues as long as we have them in stock. Please contact us to assess availability of particular issues before placing an order. At this time, we have stock of almost every back issue."
The Agroforestry Research Trust is a non-profit charity, registered in England, which researches into temperate agroforestry and into all aspects of plant cropping and uses, with a focus on tree, shrub and perennial crops.
In print since 1992, dense with high-quality information on temperate tree and shrub crops, and includes:
reports on agroforestry research projects
regular articles on fruit and nut growing
in-depth profiles of unusual tree & shrub crops
native tree profiles
propagation techniques
forest gardening
useful ground covers
extensive lists of species & uses
book reviews
Essential reading and reference for Permaculture designers, gardeners, landscapers, farmers, horticulturists. Covers temperate and subtropic zones.
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News: Good and bad fungi, Fungi and sequestration, Soil moisture sensor experiment, Sustainable fruit growing?, urban hedges.
Diversity and carbon storage, Agroforestry systems in a changing climate, Acorns for food and tanning in Kea, Bioactive compounds and biological functions of Asparagus, Perennial agroecosystems in Palestine, Adaption to climate change.
Sedums on roofs; chestnuts and climate change; pine resin tapping and wood characteristics; forest garden greenhouse update; Korean celery: Dystaenia takesimana.
Climate matching tool; Flower strips for pest control; Production from natural soil fertility; Pine martens; Korean papermaking; Wild fruits and nuts of Kazakhstan; Composition and properties of Sichuan pepper. Book
reviews: The Garden of Equal Delights, Shrubs for gardens, agroforestry & permaculture, The Medicinal Forest Garden Handbook.
News: Agroforestry in Bulgaria, Global warming and frost damage, Climate change weakening trees, Plant use in the Scottish Mesolithic, 4000 years of Polyculture agroforestry in the Eastern Amazon, Chaenomeles japonica, Fruit production in the Pacific Northwest, Homemade Nut dryer.
Cork by-products, Agroforestry in Morocco, A scientific approach to researching and promoting sustainable agro-ecosystems, Agroforestry in the Caucasus.
News: Spring honey bee plants, Benefits of kiwiberry. Chickens in a chestnut forest; Lespedeza: the bush clovers; Cytisus: the brooms; Natural colourants; Wild vegetables in the Caucasus; 100 years of walnut breeding; Capparis spinosa.
Biodiversity in forest gardens / Health benefits of forest gardens, Acorn production in Korea, Alley cropping system yields.
Hornshurst forest garden, Juglone, Revisiting Robert Hart’s forest garden, Forest garden archetypes.
Climate change & Nitrogen-fixers, Velvet Amur, Native wisdom and forst management, Agroforestry on 'common land' in Spain, Permaculture-based agrosilopasture in Spain, Origanum, the ART forest garden greenhouse – first year, Plantains (Plantago spp.)
Pollution and fungi, Exploring the potential of edible forest gardens:, Food Forests in the American Southwest, How Forest Garden Systems Combined with People-Based ethics Can Transform Culture. Book review: Temperate Agroforestry Systems
News: Shelterbelts in Hungary; Agroforestry systems in Sweden; Successional agroforestry; Forest gardens in Stockholm; tree hay. Ash trees for fodder, climate battery forest garden greenhouse in Devon, bladdernuts, the PA forest garden trial. Book reviews: Edible Mushrooms, An Orchard Odyssey, How to Grow Your Own Nuts
N and C at forest edges, Adaptation of traditional agriculture in a changing climate, Allium antioxidants. Pawpaws, silvopasture in NE USA, forest garden greenhouse construction, Honeyberries / haskaps.
News: Maple syrup in Quebec, Fiddlehead rustling in the US, Wild managed blueberries, Brazilian Peppertree, Himalayan wild fruits and berries Finland: Organic wild berries on the rise, Forests and cooling, Gardening in a changing climate.
Native Chilean fruits and the effects of their functional compounds on human health; Chiulean endemic / native plant resources as functional superfoods; Successional agroforestry, tree hay, ash trees for fodder, forest garden greenhouse in Devon, bladdernuts, the PA forest garden trial, Book review: Forest Gardening in Practice.
News: Farm in SW France, Guayule, Forestation changes climate. Narrow leaved lupin as an edible seed crop, Wasabi, Sycamore maple syrup, Creating fire-resistant landscapes.
Walnut and hazel agroforestry, wood pastures of Europe, fire resistant trees, soil in agroforestry systems, wolfberries and gojiberries, a pioneering solar house.
News: Pharmabees / Darliner Farm Italy / Small forest garden – update / A new micro forest garden.
Book Reviews: The Carbon Farming Solution / Miraculous Abundance / The Forest Garden Greenhouse / 555 Obstsorten (555 Fruit Types)
Designing an aspen agroforestry scheme.
Marsh woundwort – a forgotten food plant.
Himalayan sea buckthorn.
Leptospermum scoparium: Manuka / tea tree.
Auricaria araucana photos
The hardier Acacias (hardy to zone 8);
Forthcoming new book:
How to Grow your own Nuts by Martin Crawford
News: Agroecosystem diversity and sustainability, Subtropical SW England; Cercis – the redbuds, Araucaria wanderings, Agroecological priciples for conversion and redesign of farming systems, witch hazel.
News: Walnut and hazel agroforestry / Wood pastures of Europe / Trees that resist wildfires / An agroforestry farm in Belgium / Health benefits of grape seed flour / Soil in agroforestry systems.
Lycium: Wolfberries and Gojiberries.
The Energy Showcase: A pioneering solar house
News: Sky high “Vertical Forest” takes green living to new heights / Scattered trees in pasture / An agroforestry farm in Portugal
The ART site at Littlehempston: Small forest garden / Second forest garden / Hazelnut hedging trial / Irrigation reservoirs
Useful chemicals from trees
News: Intercropping orange groves / Schisandra / Non-native plants not a threat / Agroforestry in Europe / Tackling ‘green zenophobia’.
Shrub alders.
Puttmyra Forest Garden in Sweden.
Rosaceae family intergeneric hybrids.
Book reviews: Integrated Forest Gardening / Growing Hybrid Hazelnuts / Farming the Woods / The New Kitchen Garden / Around the World in 80 Plants / Trees for Gardens, Orchards, and Permaculture / The New Wild.
Saltbushes: shrubby Atriplex
News: Growing tables and chairs / Brown rot / Houttounia / Vine research.
The Mahonias.
Fuschias for edible flowers and fruits.
Some nitrogen fixing shrubs
News: Time for trees to pack their trunks? / Trees increase soil carbon / Agforward / Foraging in the 21st century / Pine nuts and forest preservation / Agroforestry in Hungary / Agroforestry on contour swales in Flanders / No-till commercial vegetable growing.
Organic blueberries, Juneberries, perennial grains, rowan.
Some agroforestry systems in Agforward
Urban trees and ozone formation
ART Plant Sale!
News: Health protection from berries / Saskatoon in Poland / Health effects of sea buckthorn berries / Algae and their uses / Chestnut extract / Agforward
Diospyros kaki, kaki persimmon
Diospyros lotus, date plum
Diospyros virginiana, American persimmon
News: Berberis vulgaris in Iran / Cornelian cherry in the Black Sea area / An established forest farden in Italy / Goodbye soil / Sea buckthorn as a radiation protector / ART walnut trial at Dartington / Commercial honeyberries (Lonicera caerulea) in Saskatchewan, Canada / Willows and plant defense / Less common uses of walnut trees / More on the winter 2013-14 UK floods
Effects of trees on soil pH
Pollarding in Western Norway
Book review: Edible Perennial Gardening
Plants for alkaline soils
News: Forest Garden at the Koange Institute – NZ / Symbiosis: enforced surrender? / Prunarium in Belgium / Eating acorns could have caused tooth decay in hunter-gatherers / Soil carbon under N-fixing trees / Bamboo building panels / Wind speed reductions in alley cropping.
Shepherdia argentea – Buffalo Berry
Natural succession of species in agroforestry and in soil recovery
The recovery of impoverished soils by imitating and accelerating natural succession
Species succcession in nature
Update on perennial seeding experiment
Hardy Eucalyptus species
Damping off disease
Natural insecticides
Book review: Sustainable agroecosystems in climate change mitigation
Vol. 21, #1: Nov. 2012,Wick Irrigation; Cranberry research; Medical advances from tree nut research; Soft hardwood, Hard softwood; Neanderthals self-medicated?; Medlars; Myrica species – the wax myrtles and bayberries; Pawpaw.
Prospects for perennial grains;
The rowan: Sorbus aucuparia
Book reviews: Letting in the Wild Edges / Restoration Agriculture
Vol. 21, #2: Feb. 2013,
Bacteria as anti-fungal agents;
Checks on trees imported into UK;
Breeding sea buckthorn in Germany;
Beech as a nut crop;
Japanese plum;
Cedrus: the true cedars;
Plum pox virus;
Japanese parsley / mitsuba;
Kumquats – Fortunella species;
2013 courses from the Agroforestry Research Trust
Vol. 21, #3: May 2013,
Perfect musical woo;
Anti Inflammatory Compounds in apples and pears;
Tree selection: a challenge;
Novel coppice species;
Sustainable cider apple production;
Timber species for the UK
Vol. 21, #4: Aug. 2013,
Current European agroforestry systems;
Timber species for the future (part 2);
2013 Perennial seeding experiment;
Food from your forest garden