To advertise with us:
Choose your ad size(s)
from the options below
Submit your design files or classified description to
An advertising contract can be set up if desired. Please contact us at publisher@permaculturedesignmagazine.com.
in Permaculture Design Magazine
* All print subscriptions include access to digital editions.
Digital subscriptions include only digital editions, no print.
Guidelines & Terms:
We publish 4 issues per year.
Please read the writer’s guidelines
before submitting stories.
All advertising is accepted subject to the editor’s approval upon determination that the products and services are in keeping with the mission of the Permaculture Design Magazine.
Copy is due two months prior to publication date.
Advertisers assume responsibility for all contents (text and illustrations) of advertisement printed. The publisher is not responsible for errors in key numbers.
Material must be furnished as camera-ready layout or finished digital file in .jpg, .tif, or .pdf format at 300 dpi resolution.
Ads needing layout work subject to a minimum $35 charge.
Invoices due within 30 days. New accounts must prepay.
If not otherwise indicated, mats, art work, etc. received will be destroyed after 60 days.
All items to be black and white unless special placement for color is specified (eg. inside covers and back cover.)
Sizes and rates subject to change without notice.
Printed on recycled newsprint.
You are responsible for all ads ordered under contract or not cancelled prior to issue deadline.
For all ads and article submissions are
March 1, June 1, September 1, & December 1
Magazines are mailed to subscribers and newsstands 6 weeks after each deadline.
May, August, November, and February.
Print Circulation: ~3,600 per issue
Estimated Readership: ~10,000 per issue
Website Visitors: ~13,500 monthly
(not to scale)
1/4 Page
7.75 in x 2.25 in
1/2 Page
7.75 in x 4.5 in
Full Page - Back
7.75 in x 8.25 in
Full Page - Inside
7.75 in x 10 in
1/4 Page
7.75 in x 2.25 in
Color (inside cover):
1 Issue $165
2 Issues $160
3 Issues $155
4 Issues $150
Black & White:
1 Issue $105
2 Issues $100
3 Issues $ 95
4 Issues $ 90
1/2 Page
7.75 in x 4.5 in
Color (inside cover):
1 Issue $300
2 Issues $280
3 Issues $265
4 Issues $250
Black & White:
1 Issue $205
2 Issues $195
3 Issues $185
4 Issues $175
Full Page - Back
7.75 in x 8.25 in
1 Issue $600
2 Issues $560
3 Issues $525
4 Issues $500
Full Page - Inside
7.75 in x 10 in
1 Issue $540
2 Issues $510
3 Issues $485
4 Issues $475
Digital advertising
Digital advertising purchased in addition to print advertising will receive a 25% DISCOUNT on the digital ad.
All measurements are in pixels at 72 dpi and are listed as horizontal then vertical.
Prices listed are per month.
Your ad will include a hyperlink to a website of your choice wherever possible.
Digital advertising
Digital advertising purchased in addition to print advertising will receive a 25% DISCOUNT on the digital ad.
All measurements are in pixels at 72 dpi and are listed as horizontal then vertical.
Prices listed are per month.
Your ad will include a hyperlink to a website of your choice wherever possible.
926 x 80 $240 for 1 month $200 for 3 months
Bottom of Home page
780 x 120 $120 for 1 month $100 for 3 months
Top of Home Page
300 x 250
$90 for 1 month
$75 for 3 months
Directory Page
300 x 250
$75 for 1 month
$65 for 3 months
Top Right Side of PAGE
Permaculture Courses Page
Apprenticeships Page
News & Events Page
Eco-Villages Page
Plant Nurseries Page
Seed Sources Page
300 x 600
$90 for 1 month
$75 for 3 months
We offer classified ad space for permaculture and sustainability-focused businesses. Your ad will be found both inside the printed magazine (in black and white) as well as on our website.
75 word maximum.
Most email addresses are counted as 3 words.
URLs are counted as one word for each punctuated segment.
Phone number with area code is one word
Phone number with extension is 2 words.
Zipcode is free.
Please email the ad copy to us:
Pay by using the Add to Cart button on this page.